ACT NOW with Surfrider Foundation Europe

  • ACT NOW with Surfrider Foundation Europe

We are the relay for the causes defended by surfrider foundation. Because the reasons of the problem are global, we think that the solutions must also be.Oceans, do not care about borders, take action with surfrider foundation.

Bienvenido a Surfrider Foundation Argentina

  • Surfrider Foundation Argentina

Our project is to build bridges between surfers of all countries and to make it possible for them to meet each other. Because we share the same values as surfrider foundation, we've created a specific network for members.

After surfrider foundation Europe, than Japan, it's surfrider Argentine's turn to join us, get information here. welcome !!!

An involved member

Greg and Climate wave at the 2016 Toolona St festival

At swap and surf, we are proud when our members are doing great things. And when we are proud, we say it loud.

Climate Wave Enterprises deliver events that exceed sustainable standards. Greg works with the planet for positive, ethical and social outcomes, and provide a holistic recreational event experience that engages all stakeholders in a journey that will reduce environmental impact whilst having fun.

Greg joins the Toolona St Festival for one more time bring his skills to provide a 100 % solar powered event, plastic free, event. link here

A surf trip in South West of France

swap with Sven

Sven is a swap and surf member since the beginning. He plans to acheive a surf trip next winter to New Zealand. He'll travel with his family (2 small kids).
He would Like to go in november/december to the south island of New Zealand
He lives in Mimizan Plage (one hour driving to Hossegor, up north). Sven is running a Lodge (Pura Vida Lodge), have a look here



 He Would be happy to host some people in return for some accomodation.

Contact us if you are interested, click here

Le réseau d'une communauté

my own thing

" Faire les choses à notre manière ", c'est bien ce que nous faisons à Swap and surf. Chez nous, un surfeur champion du monde plus de 10 fois recevra les mêmes égards que le passionné du dimanche.

Swap and surf s'adresse à tous les surfeurs, à travers leurs différences, parce que la richesse, c'est nous.

Déjà largement internationalisé, notre approche en adéquation avec les évolutions des modes de consommation a séduit la presse spécialsiée qui s'est fait l'écho de notre initiative de bon sens, lien ici.
Pensé et développé par des surfeurs, destiné à tous les surfeurs, idéalement, Swap and surf sera financé par des surfeurs. Ainsi, cette startup hors norme appartiendra à la communauté qu'elle sert.

Nos réflexions vont dans ce sens.
Donnez votre avis sur la question Lien ici

Et pour ceux qui veulent connaître l'ampleur de nos ambitions, contactez nous

Press Release #1

The final bricks have been laid for the construction of Swap and surf (S&s), an innovative project founded on the new economy, which is already up-and-running, boasting an extensive international presence.

Through the concept of shared accommodation, which enables members to exchange or accommodate others in their own home, S&s represents a revolution in the way some 35 million surfers can now travel. With members in more than 60 countries, S&s already has an international network in place, capable of fulfilling any travel project a surfer might imagine.

Through establishing good network connections, S&s has been able to provide solutions to all its demands so far. Whether they be for a family trip, or just a surfer seeking information about a particular destination.

Thanks to emerging technology and a powerful international network, S&s proposes a new approach to shared accommodation, a practice already familiar to the surfing community. Originally conceived for a community that maintains a close relationship to the environment, both through the nature of surfing and their eclectic cultural values, the only thing missing from this sustainable travel solution was a proficient tool to draw all the elements together. This final step was achieved the 21 March with the launch of S&s’s fully redesigned website.



From the outset, the approach chosen focused on the organic development of the network. Bypassing investor involvement from the very beginning, S&s's founders have managed to strengthen their community and achieve a solid international presence with a strong brand identity, recognised by a large majority of the surfing world’s cultural and economic actors. It was a lengthy task, but it enabled the organisation’s development to be better managed.

Today, S&s is a well-known brand in the surfing arena, mentioned in magazines, newspapers and websites across every continent. An organic development model was therefore the logical choice for a network emphasising very strong values.

The origins of this project, closely tied to its founders, can be better understood through the film “because…” - link to film here.

Philippe and Sylvain Garms, cousins from the South of France, define themselves as “entrepreneurs by nature”. Due to their active involvement in this large "outdoor" community, they are aware of its codes and its needs, thus creating this innovative project came quite naturally to them, without either of them having had any previous project management experience before launching this ambitious enterprise.  


Moreover, S&s functions like a club where every member is considered to be equal. For instance, although S&s boasts certain well-known surfing personalities within its ranks, a ‘Kelly Slater’ would have the same rank and receive the same attention as an amateur surfer, no matter where they live or what their surfing ability. While S&s may operate like a club, it is still structured like a business, in the sense that its aim is to offer real client service and great assistance to all its members.

This is why a ‘freemium’ economic model was chosen and why the network strictly rules against allowing direct financial transactions between members (S&s is not an Airbnb for surfers, its concept is much more innovative and relative, as it works in harmony with existing customs in the vast surfing community).


For S&s, importance lies in practicality, starting with the need to organise a specific surf trip that includes all the desired particularities (i.e. project for a family vacation, finding a place to stay, contacting locals for surf info, etc.). The logic behind emphasising models in which users are identified by a rank or standing does not make sense to S&s. All our network's actors appear with the same status, regardless of their surfing capacities.

For S&s, all its members are “team riders” and the network insists on considering them as a group encompassing the wealth of diversity. What’s more, this great wealth is showcased on the website in order to be discovered. The project's creators consider one of the interests in travelling via a local surf network, in addition to the enormous advantage of benefiting from essential surfing resources (where to get a board, finding family-friendly waves, best after-surf eats, etc.), is becoming immersed in another surfer’s life. This exchange, this diversity, is an incredible opportunity and an added bonus. As Leonard Nimoy said, “The miracle is this: the more we share, the more we have”. S&s believes in this very same vision. 


This approach represents a real change to modern perspectives, but it is really nothing more than a return to basic universal principles. These are the principles of our first nations, such as the American Indians who believe that true wealth lies in what we share.

While the common connection between its members is surfing, S&s also likes to highlight its member’s diversity, turning the spotlight on their artistic talents or other individual specialities. For example, in our newsletter we have discussed the rail grabber invented by the very well respected Linda Benson, an S&s member since the project’s very beginnings. We have also focused on the South African shaper of Italian origin Fabio Giacomini who has led an iconoclastic life. And we never miss an occasion to relay the work of the talented photographer Cesar Ancelle Hansen from Biarritz, France.

The film “our community” hits on the particular characteristics of this network, “all surfers, all different”, as is indicated on the website's homepage - link to film here.


This is also the reason why member profiles are featured just as much as the living space, with the two forming a partnership together.

The profile allows you to discover common ground you may have with a surfer you want to contact (description, link to social networks, etc.). Your aspired surfing level is indicated (how many sessions per week/month/year + preferred wave size + preferred board type) and, as a result you can find out if you both share the same surfing habits or preferences.

This additional information is considered equally as important in the eyes of S&s's founders, who therefore envisaged the creation of networks within a network.

- member's list here -

You can therefore identify yourself as an artist, photographer or even a shaper and you can limit your searches to members belonging to a preferred category. Similarly, discussions with Surfrider Foundation Europe, Japan and Argentina, S&s’s partner organisations, have led to a network being established to enable exchanges between members of these foundations. The same idea is planned for competitors and other actors in the surfing community.


The objective for all this work and reflection has been S&s’s new website, unveiled 21 March 2016. This site was the final tool formed to put this widespread international network into action.

The link between living space and surfer has been strengthened, the search engine has been redesigned, all the ergonomic features have been reviewed to help with searching, an internal messaging system has been added to facilitate initial contact between members interested in an E-exchange and, on top of all this, the design has remained as simple as possible.

The website also allows its members to announce events happening near them and to access specific information regarding surf trips via a blog dedicated to this subject. Many other functions driven by both practicality and need are also in the works.

The new website makes it even easier to organise, for example, a cold-water surf trip in Alaska or to get in contact with pioneer surfers in India, to find a family like yours in mythical surf spots and exchange accommodation similar to what you can offer (without costing you a cent!), or perhaps to contact a big-wave surfer and combine project expenses, to organise several places to stay in advance, or to just simply ask a local living on the other side of the world if the beaches you plan to visit as a family next summer are good for a surf session with young children.

Today with the digital age breaking down borders, any travel project can be achieved through S&s. The project's founders have strived to turn the website into a tool to help you organise the most authentic surf trips possible, while steering clear of creating yet another community website or virtual cash machine, which so often die off during their formative years amidst the start-up masses.

For the moment, it is still free to join S&s, but only until a certain number of members has been attained. In following, the website will function through an annual inscription. This is the best way to ensure the project remains viable and also capable of offering its community members all the assistance necessary to realise their dream surf trip (apparently, according to the Centre for Surf Research, 85% of surfers already have in mind their perfect surf trip). At the same time, this model also maintains the community vibe and, in short, continues to follow the nature of a club.

Please don't hesitate to contact the S&s team, they are dedicated to maintaining a very direct link with the surfing community, to whom they are committed and for whom they have developed this ambitious project. This link also assists S&s with remaining a continually evolving project, closely connected to those who love to surf and what they need to achieve their dream trip.






San Diego Surf Film Festival


S&s surf members are creating great event to celebrate surf culture. Pierce organize, Bird hosts the festival in the Bird's surf shed in San Diego. Watch trailer here

The 2014 SDSFF will highlight over 25 international films, dozens of filmmakers and producers in attendance, Q&As, filmmaker panel and workshops, an amazing surf art gallery, surf legends and shaping demos, beach cleanups and expression sessions, incredible live music, serendipitous live art, rad people and raging after-parties.

SDSFF welcomes surf enthusiasts and filmmakers from around the world to come celebrate the art of surf cinema in San Diego.



the surf trip of the XXI century

The french mag Surf Session #318 did a very good report about surf trip ("surf trip au XXI siècle)

The spirit is the same, but the way to reach this spirit are changed a lot since the beginning. New technology help to keep the "endless summer" spirit alive despite to economic crisis

S&s is presented like a solution to keep this spirit alive


Read this mag, that's a good one, and they add a great augmented reality feature. The prove that now, digital and real are working in the same way

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  • The best way to discover new horizons is to connect with locals. In every places you can find swell, you'll have a Swap and surf member to exchange with you, or to host you or just give you some tips

  • Caio is registred as a journalist, but he could have been photographer or artist too. An open mind brasilian surfer willing to welcome you in Florianopolis. 

  • With Tushar, Ishita is a leading figure of the surfing culture in India. A pionner, the first female to have been sponsored by brand like roxy

  • The cool californian surfer. The guy to meet for a reciprocal hospitality. With Talal, it'll be easy going

  • Of course, Swap and surf offers solutions through our members in all majors surf trip destination

  • Of course Swap and surf is well implanted in all main surf culture heart, like California is

  • The authentic hawaiian water man. For an outrigger ride, share surf session or whatever on water, he's the man

  • "I plan to always do what I love to do, and make the most of the opportunities in front of me, and believe this can be seen in my work." a talented photographer to meet

  • Swap and surf founders are from South West of France and the project settle down their. Naturally, the largest choice of profiles in this area

  • We offer places like Alaska to live with locals experiences difficult to organized like cold water surfing in remoted places